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Week 1: Introduction to Machine Learning

Supervised Learning​

  • The most common types of algorithms being used today
    • learns from 'input' to 'output label'
    • use cases: spam filtering, speech recognition, machine translation, online advertising, self driving
  • Gives the algorithm datasets to learn from labelled "correct answers"
    • Regression modeling is to predict a range of numbers
    • Classification modeling is to predict a limited set of class/category

Unsupervised Learning​

  • Learns from unlabelled output data to find patterns or interesting properties
    • learns from 'input' only as there are no 'output label'
  • Anomaly detection
  • Clustering
  • Dimensionality reduction

[[Linear Regression Model]]​

  • Fitting a straight line to a dataset
    • produce a function that produces a y-hat (estimated y)
    • formulated as a wx+b since it is a linear function
    • to train/adjust the unknown parameters/coefficients/weights of the function we need to construct a cost function
  • Cost function is a way to quantitatively evaluate the goodness of fit of the function
    • J(w,b)=rmse/mseJ(w, b) = rmse/mse
    • Can be minimized with [[gradient descent]] to find the optimal parameters

Week 2: Regression with multiple input variables

Multiple Linear Regression​

  • Using multiple features to estimate one response variable
    • Different from multivariate regression which estimates multiple response variable
  • Vectorization with numpy is used to speed up the algorithm of the dot product between weights and features
    • This is done by doing the operation in parallel
  • Gradient descent works similarly but instead of taking the derivative of the cost function with respect to one feature's weight and updating one weight -> you update all the weights by taking partial derivatives of the cost function with each weight
  • Just a note that an alternative solution to the linear regression is the [[normal equation]]
    • It only works for linear regression because it is a closed form solution to this
    • So it is not generalized solution (unlike gradient descent) and it could be slower if the features are much higher

Gradient descent in practice​

  • To make gradient descent more efficient, one should feature scale with some [[Feature Scaling Techniques]]
    • This will make the cost function contour to be evenly spaced and not be susceptible to jumping

Week 3

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